The Four Tusked Elephant

Toulmin's Model of Argument of the text 'The Four Tusked Elephant' Claim Coincidences play an important role in determining the success or failure of a mission. Ground Denis had stopped his journey after he and his pygmies companions saw even a big elephant having only two tusks. But after few months, the first coincidence occurred when he revisited the pygmy’s country. There he again heard about the elephant in a talk of Belgian seuers. The next coincidence occurred when Denis was driving back to his camp where he found a skull of a fully grown elephant. Warrant The first and second coincidences led Denis to find about the elephants as it fueled him with proof and positive energy to continue his abandoned mission. Backing Due to the first coincidence, Denis was able to figure out that an African had sold four tusks to a Greek trader and insisted that he had taken it from a single dead elephant. Denis found the African and bribed him to brin...